By Admin | February 17, 2022
Attention to all employers!
Gentle reminder to prepare and distribute EA form 2021 to your employees on or before 28th February 2022.
温馨提醒,请在2022年2月28日或之前准备与发放EA 2021表格給您的员工。
In accordance with subsection 83(1A) of the Income Tax Act 1967 (ITA 1967), the EA form must be prepared and rendered to the employees on or before 28th February 2022 to enable them to complete and submit their respective Return Form within the stipulated period.
根据1967年所得税法则(ITA 1967)第83(1A)小节,EA表格必须在2022年2月28日或之前准备好与发放给员工,以致他们能够在规定的时间内完成与呈交各自的申报表。
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any enquiries.